first cycle questions


hi everyone,

just got a couple of questions, looking at running a first time test (cyp) only cycle at 500mg a week

got some 23' syringes to back load some 29' syringes

is running 3 injections weekly at 0.83ml per injection the right dosage? or should i split into more frequent doses?

oh also need to take anything for liver / kidney / anything else support? ta

appreciate any response / help,

cheers guys
Experience, body composition/size and Goals will be helpful. Liver stuff is always good- I like:NAC, thistle, dandelion. Twice a week pins are good however 25G x1” is more common size for oils. If it’s your first cycle start with 250mg and build up gradually to get the most benefit & less sides.
Doc makes a valid point about starting with 250mg for your first cycle (12 weeks). Test E is generally the most common and popular choice for first cycles. But you can go either.

Splitting into 3 doses isn't really necessary, it's more about personal preference. Can be beneficial for those seeking maximum stability and minimal side effects, but 2 doses per week is perfectly acceptable and a commonly practised approach.
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hi everyone,

just got a couple of questions, looking at running a first time test (cyp) only cycle at 500mg a week

got some 23' syringes to back load some 29' syringes

is running 3 injections weekly at 0.83ml per injection the right dosage? or should i split into more frequent doses?

oh also need to take anything for liver / kidney / anything else support? ta

appreciate any response / help,

cheers guys
Have you had any bloods done? Those things are gospel mate.
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