From what I know longer cycles, especially with injectables like Test E or C..... tend to be more effective because these compounds take around 4-6 weeks to really kick in. Shorter cycles might not allow enough time for the full benefits of these longer esters to take hold. I’d love to hear your perspective on why shorter cycles have worked for you. Do you feel the gains are comparable to those from longer cycles?
I always run, and have done for 30 + years, 12 to 14 weeks. I find my best gains start at around the 6 week mark, which now for me are minimal, but you can always improve something. I Always run long actings, don’t like short esters. We used to back in the day, test prop, stanazolol, npp, when you had a drink you looked like a soaker hose

, but seriously, my opinion is that it’s easier to keep you blood levels stable with long acting, yes it takes 4 weeks to reach peak levels in your blood, but remember, it’s still working 4 weeks after you cycle, and most people back off at the end of the cycle and don’t eat properly. I personally train harder after a cycle, and keep my food up to keep my gains and kick my natural testosterone levels back in. I don’t do pct anymore, I find by training my **** off my test kicks in just as quick as pct, I don’t recommend this approach, but it works for me.
The protocol back in the 80’s 90’s was 12 weeks on, 4weeks off, now I realise that 4 weeks isn’t long enough for long actings to clear and androgen receptors to freshen up, now I do minimum of 6 weeks, up to 12, depending on my goals. Gains are definitely better.
Just my views and experience, and what has worked for me.