First cycle help


G’day guys, I've been doing alot of research on forums youtube etc gathering as much information regarding steroids but decided to post and pick some of your brains on here.

i want to start my first ever cycle and need a bit of pointing in the right direction goal for this cycle is to lose body fat and pack on some lean muscle mass

background info:

Age: 22

Height: 170cm

Weight: 83kg

Steroids experience: None

Body Fat: 25-30%

Years Training: 5 years. Started lifting at the age of 17

Proposed Cycle:

Weeks 1-16

Test E: 300mg/wk (150mg twice a week)(Mon/wed)

want to add in something other than test such as anavar or clen to help get rid of some of that body fat and add on some lean muscle and hopefully take my physique to the next level

( wanted to see if anyone could suggest anything else and how long to run it for, as well as what weeks i should start running it )

also what AI should i keep handy just incase i start feeling side effects ( ive seen aromasin and clomid thrown around a lot ? how much should i take if i do start feeling sides ? )
Hey mate, welcome to the forum.

You've got a good idea of where your test dose should be. In terms of anavar, you really won't see much from it being at a higher body fat. Contrary to what some believe, anavar doesn't aid with fat loss at all. The clen, while being a potent fat burner, shouldn't be used so early in your weight loss phase in my opinion. As long as your diet is in check and you're consistent with it, I don't see why kilo's shouldn't falling off weekly, if truly at 30% bodyfat.

Clen should ideally be used later on, when fat loss starts to slow down or plateau and you then use it for the metabolic rate increase/thermogenesis effect. I'd look at losing 10-15kg with a solid deficit first, then looking at clen if necessary.

I prefer low-dose, longer duration cycles of clen. I've never experienced any oversaturation of beta-2 receptors and decrease of the drug. 20mcg a day, titrating up by 20mcg every 2-3 weeks, reaching 60mcg max. I run this for 8 weeks max. Usually when clen is implemented, I'm already at around 13-14% bodyfat.
Hey mate, welcome to the forum.

You've got a good idea of where your test dose should be. In terms of anavar, you really won't see much from it being at a higher body fat. Contrary to what some believe, anavar doesn't aid with fat loss at all. The clen, while being a potent fat burner, shouldn't be used so early in your weight loss phase in my opinion. As long as your diet is in check and you're consistent with it, I don't see why kilo's shouldn't falling off weekly, if truly at 30% bodyfat.

Clen should ideally be used later on, when fat loss starts to slow down or plateau and you then use it for the metabolic rate increase/thermogenesis effect. I'd look at losing 10-15kg with a solid deficit first, then looking at clen if necessary.

I prefer low-dose, longer duration cycles of clen. I've never experienced any oversaturation of beta-2 receptors and decrease of the drug. 20mcg a day, titrating up by 20mcg every 2-3 weeks, reaching 60mcg max. I run this for 8 weeks max. Usually when clen is implemented, I'm already at around 13-14% bodyfat.
very good advice thank you for that bro, is it still worth starting the cycle at this body fat % ? or should i still try shred off some of that weight
very good advice thank you for that bro, is it still worth starting the cycle at this body fat % ? or should i still try shred off some of that weight
Totally agree with @Trenmaster

My advice, at 22 years old, your body is probably already producing enough testosterone for building muscle and losing fat. Taking test for you right now is really not necessary. It's better to focus on improving your diet and training first. If you can naturally reduce your body fat to about 15-20%, you'll be in a better position to consider using gear. Right now, your body's natural hormone levels should be enough to help you reach your goals.

Save the gear for when you really hit a roadblock.
I would probably get a blood test done first just to see what your test levels are ... you can jump on a cycle but not sure if its worth it for you right now. Best to loose as much fat as you can naturally. If you commit yourself it's very achievable for someone at your age.
I'm going to agree with the boys here.. but.. you can still do this, just loose a bit more BF and keep to a Test only cycle. This will give you a chance to see how your body reacts. During the cycle (e.g.12 weeks) if you start feeling estrogenic side effects like bloating or gyno take aromasin at 12.5mg eod to manage it. 2 weeks after your last pin start PCT with Clomid 50mg per day for 4-6 weeks to help get your natural test production back on track.
really appreciate the feedback & advice guys

bloods have been done and just waiting on results be good to see where i am at

would still like to see how i go on test but will definitely take the advice before starting it to loose BF before hand thanks again 🙏🏽
Sounds solid bro 300 is exactly what I did for my first cycle. The gains were absolutely insane, +10kg to all my lifts. I was lucky and didn't need any ai but I had arimidex on hand just in case. Had a little bit of acne but still felt really good overall and my nipples weren't getting sensitive so I didn't use it. You could add in something else but honestly test only is pretty much the standard for a first cycle and a good calorie deficit will serve you better for weight loss than adding another compound