Basically, have been tampering with orals due to hemophilia making it almost impossible to inject Test Cyp IM. And frankly orals availability and accessibility just make it way to easy for a noob like me to jump right in.
That said a few of you have given me the insight and courage to try test injecting sub Q. I'm aiming to do somewhere from 300-500 for a while. Will start at 200 and aiming to taper up to 500. Basically doing a 20 ish week cycle.
Ok now a bit about hemophilia. It's VERY easy to get major bruising and even the tiniest bit of bleeding can have you sitting in the bathroom with a paper towel for hours. Hence the IM route. Given the above dosage, and the desire to inject minimally, how many times a week can I get away with if injecting sub Q?
Secondly - at that dosage (500 max per week) is an AI really necessary? I'll have it on hand anyway of course. I'm just wondering if that's high enough to warrant taking it proactively or just keeping it on hand just in case.
Thank you! And yea, I am a noob. I'm seeking helpful advice only.
39yo. 89kg. 16% body fat. Looking to go hard and lose a few % bf and gain some more lean muscle. Blood work is current and all fine and dandy.
Thank you all!
That said a few of you have given me the insight and courage to try test injecting sub Q. I'm aiming to do somewhere from 300-500 for a while. Will start at 200 and aiming to taper up to 500. Basically doing a 20 ish week cycle.
Ok now a bit about hemophilia. It's VERY easy to get major bruising and even the tiniest bit of bleeding can have you sitting in the bathroom with a paper towel for hours. Hence the IM route. Given the above dosage, and the desire to inject minimally, how many times a week can I get away with if injecting sub Q?
Secondly - at that dosage (500 max per week) is an AI really necessary? I'll have it on hand anyway of course. I'm just wondering if that's high enough to warrant taking it proactively or just keeping it on hand just in case.
Thank you! And yea, I am a noob. I'm seeking helpful advice only.
39yo. 89kg. 16% body fat. Looking to go hard and lose a few % bf and gain some more lean muscle. Blood work is current and all fine and dandy.
Thank you all!