2025 Cycle Plans & Fitness Goals?


AGW Logger

As we’re closing out 2024, I’ve been mapping out my fitness and cycle plans for 2025, and it got me thinking – how many of you are already planning your year ahead?

I’d love to hear about your goals and cycles for 2025:

  1. Cycle Plans:
    • Have you mapped out your cycles for the year?
    • What months are you planning to be "on" and "off"?
  2. Fitness Goals:
    • What are your specific fitness or physique goals for the year?
    • Are you aiming to bulk, cut, or maintain?
  3. New Compounds:
    • Are there any new compounds you’re planning to try?
    • If so, what’s the reason for giving them a go?
Love to see what everyone is doing and how they think.
My Plans
  1. Cycle Plans:
    • Have you mapped out your cycles for the year?
    • What months are you planning to be "on" and "off"?

      Will start 1st January to the middle of April run for 14-16 week run.
      Test E 500mg
      Deca 300mg
      Mast 100mg
      Anavar 40mg (last 6 weeks)

      TRT Cruise 125mg until 1st July

      1st July will be Cut
      Test, Primo and Tren unsure of amounts just yet.
  2. Fitness Goals:
    • What are your specific fitness or physique goals for the year?
    • Are you aiming to bulk, cut, or maintain?

      End year goal is to be ripped 10%bf and really well built lean muscle.
      So bulk up first then cut hard.
      I want to be able to tun 10ks.
      100 Push ups
      20 Pull ups
      200 Sit Ups
      50 Dips
      Bench 120kg

      Get my knees and shoulders fixed. With the movement restrictions have I'm unable to keep going up in strength so will be also focusing on getting these sorted.

  3. New Compounds:
    • Are there any new compounds you’re planning to try?
    • If so, what’s the reason for giving them a go?

      Tren will be the only thing I want to add in.
      Why well never done it I'm getting old now (just turned 41) and have this desire just to see what it can do for me before I get into a major dangerous area of health with it.

      But as the year goes maybe something else gets added in but at this stage nothing too exciting.

      I want to make sure what I do from now on is focused on my health knowing that over 40 and taking cycles can really open up health issues for later on down the track.

Great post @flexymcflexface

Cycle Plans:
I've typically done three cycles a year but for 2025 I'll streamline to two short cycles: January to March and July to September.

Fitness Goals:
Aiming to increase my lean muscle mass by about 5kgs. During these cycles I'll focus onclean bulk and then work on maintaining strength and staying lean. The goal is to refine my physique.. and try to navigate through the silly season without gaining too much fat :)

Not looking to try any new compounds. My go-to stack will likely include Tren, Test, Deca, Mast, Tbol, and Anavar. I haven't nailed down the dosages yet, but these compounds align well with my goals. I might make some tweaks along the way.
  1. Cycle Plans:
    • Cycle 1: Feb, March, April
      Test E, Mast, NPP

    • Cycle 2: Sep, Oct, Nov
      Test E, Tren, Mast
  2. Fitness Goals:
    • Get Yoga into the mix and also HIIT
    • Maintainance
  3. New Compounds:
    • No new compounds
My Plans
  1. Cycle Plans:
    • Have you mapped out your cycles for the year?
    • What months are you planning to be "on" and "off"?

      Present: Sport Cruise: 250mg Test E + 100mg Mast E

      Cycle 1: April/May/June/July
      No idea yet :)

  2. Fitness Goals:
    • What are your specific fitness or physique goals for the year?
    • Are you aiming to bulk, cut, or maintain?

      I want to continue with my steps every day of 17k to 20k a day
      I'm focusing on stretching more and considering lowering my weights since I've been getting a lot of injuries, which has really slowed me down this year.
  3. New Compounds:
    • Are there any new compounds you’re planning to try?
    • If so, what’s the reason for giving them a go?

      I want to look into Deca and NPP, why... I'm curious and know they help with joint relief.
I'm 3 weeks into my first ever cycle, I am taking 250ml a week of test E and 40mg of anavar at the moment. I am going to add 125ml of deca for 10 weeks and push up to 300ml of test. The anavar is only going to last a few more weeks then it's just deca and test. But after 3 weeks these are my results from the cycle so far: lost almost 4kg of fat, gained 3.5kg of muscle, from 19% body fat, to 14.5% in 3 weeks is insane. The cycle was supplied by gearmaniac and highly recommend him to anyone on here
Usually do more outdoor recreation, cardio & celebrations over January so no cycles from Christmas . Always do a Few months of Bulk & power over winter with longer esters. Before & after that I expect to do a Couple of sports cycles with shorter esters starting date depends on bloodwork and injuries
Great post @flexymcflexface

Cycle Plans:
I've typically done three cycles a year but for 2025 I'll streamline to two short cycles: January to March and July to September.

Fitness Goals:
Aiming to increase my lean muscle mass by about 5kgs. During these cycles I'll focus onclean bulk and then work on maintaining strength and staying lean. The goal is to refine my physique.. and try to navigate through the silly season without gaining too much fat :)

Not looking to try any new compounds. My go-to stack will likely include Tren, Test, Deca, Mast, Tbol, and Anavar. I haven't nailed down the dosages yet, but these compounds align well with my goals. I might make some tweaks along the way.
I plan everything in life from work, finances, and health but this is the next thing I thought id better put in
Usually do more outdoor recreation, cardio & celebrations over January so no cycles from Christmas . Always do a Few months of Bulk & power over winter with longer esters. Before & after that I expect to do a Couple of sports cycles with shorter esters starting date depends on bloodwork and injuries

What’s the reasoning behind using shorter esters mate? Genuine question out of interest
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What’s the reasoning behind using shorter esters mate? Genuine question out of interest
Normally use shorter for a few reasons and eveyone had there own

But most of the time shorter means it comes on quickly but also if you have side effects they are quicker to go if you stop.

Also means you can understand dosages better to.
So if you need more or less it's easier to find out.

Issue is more pinning
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What’s the reasoning behind using shorter esters mate? Genuine question out of interest
Shorter esters kick in faster, so you feel the effects sooner. They let you adjust your doses quicker if needed, but you gotta inject more often. It's all about what you need and how your body handles it.
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I’m on Test E 250mg/ week atm, but I’m looking into a 12 week cycle of
-500mg Test E/week
-20mg Anavar first 6 weeks and 40mg for the last 6
-I’ve read on a few posts that I should take Arimidex 0.5mg as symptoms appear.

** PCT**
-Test E back to 250mg/Week
If anyone has any suggestions please feel free I’m a complete noob to cycles.


I’ve had gyno since puberty 30+ years, so I don’t think I’m gonna loose them entirely without unaffordable surgery, but if I can shrink them down I’ll be happy.

Also looking at German Volume Training and increasing the amount of Trail running and cardio.
I'm looking into 16 week cycle starting Feb next year:

500mg Test E
400mg Deca
50mg Dbols (first 6 weeks)
I’m on Test E 250mg/ week atm, but I’m looking into a 12 week cycle of
-500mg Test E/week
-20mg Anavar first 6 weeks and 40mg for the last 6
-I’ve read on a few posts that I should take Arimidex 0.5mg as symptoms appear.

** PCT**
-Test E back to 250mg/Week
If anyone has any suggestions please feel free I’m a complete noob to cycles.


I’ve had gyno since puberty 30+ years, so I don’t think I’m gonna loose them entirely without unaffordable surgery, but if I can shrink them down I’ll be happy.

Also looking at German Volume Training and increasing the amount of Trail running and cardio.
Hey mate.

I see the noob comment so definitely want to try and help here as there is a few red flags.

I'm going to ask a fair few questions but they are really to help you.


how long have you been training and whats your current training like?

Whats yiru diet is it dialled in and perfect?

Whats the goal for the cycle?

First off your running 250mg a week now but not on a cycle.

How did you or why did you pick 250mg?

Why did you start taking Test?

Have you done your bloods before you started and while your on it?

How long have you been running 250mg?

The reason I ask is 250mg is just on the edge of what noobies take for a cycle. You in the range of a sports cycle as we like to call it.

Now to the cycle you want to do?

When are you looking at starting this?

Newbies really don't need that much. You can get away with 300mg a week for your first cycle (hence why the 250mg questions above bring red flags)

Anavar. Never run orals for more than 8 weeks but really the safe length (no real safe lengths) is 6 weeks.

Also 20mg unless you are using it onkt for pre work out yoh do need to bump it to normally minimum 30mg a day but I find the sweet spot at 40mgs. 20 is morning g 20 at night.

You should be getting bloods done pre cycle 6 weeks in and then 2 weeks after.

Are you going to run a PCT? Or are you going to cruise and do TRT dosage ( normally 100-150mg a week)

Lastly the gyno. If your prone to it the you will want an AI on hand. You can lt reverse what you have now with an AI that's not how it works. That's a different drug or surgery.

So going straight to 500mg a week probably isn't great for gyno issues. This is why bloods are so important.

Anavar won't be an issue as it wont convert so won't give you thoese E2 issues.

Flick me any questions between me and Doc we should be able to guide you a fair bit.
Hey mate.

I see the noob comment so definitely want to try and help here as there is a few red flags.

I'm going to ask a fair few questions but they are really to help you.


how long have you been training and whats your current training like?

Whats yiru diet is it dialled in and perfect?

Whats the goal for the cycle?

First off your running 250mg a week now but not on a cycle.

How did you or why did you pick 250mg?

Why did you start taking Test?

Have you done your bloods before you started and while your on it?

How long have you been running 250mg?

The reason I ask is 250mg is just on the edge of what noobies take for a cycle. You in the range of a sports cycle as we like to call it.

Now to the cycle you want to do?

When are you looking at starting this?

Newbies really don't need that much. You can get away with 300mg a week for your first cycle (hence why the 250mg questions above bring red flags)

Anavar. Never run orals for more than 8 weeks but really the safe length (no real safe lengths) is 6 weeks.

Also 20mg unless you are using it onkt for pre work out yoh do need to bump it to normally minimum 30mg a day but I find the sweet spot at 40mgs. 20 is morning g 20 at night.

You should be getting bloods done pre cycle 6 weeks in and then 2 weeks after.

Are you going to run a PCT? Or are you going to cruise and do TRT dosage ( normally 100-150mg a week)

Lastly the gyno. If your prone to it the you will want an AI on hand. You can lt reverse what you have now with an AI that's not how it works. That's a different drug or surgery.

So going straight to 500mg a week probably isn't great for gyno issues. This is why bloods are so important.

Anavar won't be an issue as it wont convert so won't give you thoese E2 issues.

Flick me any questions between me and Doc we should be able to guide you a fair bit.

Hey mate.

I see the noob comment so definitely want to try and help here as there is a few red flags.

I'm going to ask a fair few questions but they are really to help you.


how long have you been training and whats your current training like?

Whats yiru diet is it dialled in and perfect?

Whats the goal for the cycle?

First off your running 250mg a week now but not on a cycle.

How did you or why did you pick 250mg?

Why did you start taking Test?

Have you done your bloods before you started and while your on it?

How long have you been running 250mg?

The reason I ask is 250mg is just on the edge of what noobies take for a cycle. You in the range of a sports cycle as we like to call it.

Now to the cycle you want to do?

When are you looking at starting this?

Newbies really don't need that much. You can get away with 300mg a week for your first cycle (hence why the 250mg questions above bring red flags)

Anavar. Never run orals for more than 8 weeks but really the safe length (no real safe lengths) is 6 weeks.

Also 20mg unless you are using it onkt for pre work out yoh do need to bump it to normally minimum 30mg a day but I find the sweet spot at 40mgs. 20 is morning g 20 at night.

You should be getting bloods done pre cycle 6 weeks in and then 2 weeks after.

Are you going to run a PCT? Or are you going to cruise and do TRT dosage ( normally 100-150mg a week)

Lastly the gyno. If your prone to it the you will want an AI on hand. You can lt reverse what you have now with an AI that's not how it works. That's a different drug or surgery.

So going straight to 500mg a week probably isn't great for gyno issues. This is why bloods are so important.

Anavar won't be an issue as it wont convert so won't give you thoese E2 issues.

Flick me any questions between me and Doc we should be able to guide you a fair