Tren and EQ


Anyone have experience running these two together? Currently on test 200 mg week and tren 300 mg per week. Was having trouble feeling "flat" due to cutting but I switched up the diet a little and it seems to be helping.

Was thinking of throwing in eq at 400 mg weekly primarily for vascularity and the endurance boost/even faster recovery. Was looking into masteron but I know eq will give better vascularity and the tren is giving me all the muscle hardness I need.

Who has experience with this combo? A few people in my gym I talked to said 400 was a waste of time but I'm thinking I'll see a good synergistic effect with the stack and I've been into doing lower dosed slightly longer cycles. Makes the gains easier to hold, less sides and it kind of tricks me into staying disciplined in my diet not using higher doses to compensate for a shit diet.
Tren and eq is a great combo!! But.....bad for the hairline. And for someone who is prone to anxiety it can really set that off. I feel eq within a week or so and start to notice increased vascularity. Bold cyp can hurt.

And I think 400 Mg's of bold should be good for what you want.
Tren and EQ in combination can make some people feel like crap if the doses are too high. Hyper paranoia comes to mind.
I handle tren well the only time I had a problem was running 500 mg a week and that was an overkill I was snapping at everything. Don't remember much anxiety. 350 is my sweet spot with tren it's an unreal compound. I think it's too late for me to really add the eq in I think I'll just run the tren/test 2:1 for 400/200. I see that really working out great.

Is there anything that promotes vascularity like eq?
Tren and EQ in combination can make some people feel like crap if the doses are too high. Hyper paranoia comes to mind.
You nailed it..It's a great combo for hardening, but boy can it make you feel awful..

A few cycles back, I too was just getting a bit flat I tossed in some dbol with my tren/test along with some NPP and it made me feel great. I would suggest NPP over eq with the tren for fullness and you can still get vascular, it kicks in faster and if you get a little bloat from the nandrolone you can bail fast, but if diet is in check it shouldn't be an issue. Tren/NPP is my go to before Tren/EQ. For whatever reason, nandrolone makes me feel GOOD like dbol does.
I handle tren well the only time I had a problem was running 500 mg a week and that was an overkill I was snapping at everything. Don't remember much anxiety. 350 is my sweet spot with tren it's an unreal compound. I think it's too late for me to really add the eq in I think I'll just run the tren/test 2:1 for 400/200. I see that really working out great.

Is there anything that promotes vascularity like eq?
Anavar seems to be great for vascularity,but it's downfall is being an oral.
Anyone have experience running these two together? Currently on test 200 mg week and tren 300 mg per week. Was having trouble feeling "flat" due to cutting but I switched up the diet a little and it seems to be helping.

Was thinking of throwing in eq at 400 mg weekly primarily for vascularity and the endurance boost/even faster recovery. Was looking into masteron but I know eq will give better vascularity and the tren is giving me all the muscle hardness I need.

Who has experience with this combo? A few people in my gym I talked to said 400 was a waste of time but I'm thinking I'll see a good synergistic effect with the stack and I've been into doing lower dosed slightly longer cycles. Makes the gains easier to hold, less sides and it kind of tricks me into staying disciplined in my diet not using higher doses to compensate for a shit diet.
I'm finishing off a 16 week Tren Ace/Boldenone/Test prop cycle. My numbers are higher but I'm getting some really good results.

I actually had a post if you want to check out.

They don’t mix well for many 🤯,
I would choose 1 if your around people and like to sleep