Steroids and surgery


Hey everyone I’m new here and I just had surgery on 2 hernias 4 days ago

I haven’t touched gear in about 6 weeks. (Only done 1 cycle before) Although I have more coming today just Anadrol and test p/e will it be a good idea to take or stay off for now?

Thank you in advance
Stay off . Plenty people have re-injured hernias within months( post surgery). That’s just with daily living tasks so take it easy this year
Okay mate will be hard to do but I definitely don’t want to make it worse so I’ll take your advice

Thank you doc
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Get yourself some glutamine and some collagen, I always run these after surgery now and keep your protein high. They helped big time with my surgeries, the plastic surgeon told me about the glutamine when I buggered up my hand 10 years ago. I used it, ( I use it all the time) at 20g/day last year after I had my triceps tendon reattached along with collagen and deca, they couldn’t believe how quick I healed, and you can barely see the scar. I also used it after my eyelid reconstruction due to skin cancer, just before Christmas, it definitely helps healing.
The plastic surgeon who put me on to it said they use it big time in burns patients now. I know some people will tell you it’s a waste of money, but from someone who has used it after several surgeries, it definitely helps. Hope you heal well, be patient and don’t aggravate the repairs, and you will be back in no time.