New member in QLD


Hello all. I recently came across this forum while up late researching. I am impressed with how friendly, encouraging and helpful everyone seems to be toward each other.

About me: I'm a 37 year old male living West of Brisbane. I am 188cm tall and 85kgs. I've been weight lifting consistently for many years now. I have never tried steroids but I've been researching about them for a while now and am thinking of starting on low dose Testosterone, starting with 125mg. I'd like to see how my body responds to that first and then look at possibly going to 200mg or 250mg if 125mg doesn't seem to be doing anything for me.

My goals: I'm not looking to get huge. I'm pretty happy with my current physique actually. I'm just hoping to enjoy some of the benefits of added Test such as, more energy, virility and motivation. I'm aware that once I start I could be on it for life. I'm prepared to commit to that if the benefits are noteworthy.

A couple of questions:
1. Can anyone recommend a good, credible and reliable source of Testosterone for my location? I'd like to stick to one source for long term.
2. With my aim of staying on a low dose of Test (125mg to 250mg max), do I need to bother with Cycling, PCT or AI's? I'm hoping not.

Hey brother, welcome to the forum. From the sounds of it, you're on the right track. The dosages you mentioned are conservative and optimal for a first timer. I agree with starting with 125mg to see how your body reacts but you may find that you would want to increase that to 250mg after a 6 weeks. See how you feel... If you do decide to increase it, just split the 250mg into 2 injections. So if you were pinning on 125mg on a Sunday, add the extra 125mg on a Wednesday. This helps keep levels stable.

During the TRT process you should take Anastrozole once a week (0.5mg, 1/2 a tablet) to manage estrogen. With the Anastrozole, I wouldn't start this when your on 125mg, no need but just keep an eye on sensitive or puffy nipples (I highly doubt you will get it at low dose). Only start when your on 250mg a week. Just note... if you do start to see any signs of sensitive nipples then just add another extra 0.5mg of the tab so then its twice a week. Take it on the pin days so you can keep track. Doing your blood tests will also help with adjusting the dosages to keep your estrogen levels stable. (me personally, I do twice a week... you will get varying opinions on this one)

You don't need PCT when you're on TRT bro. If I were you, I would definitely get blood tests done just to check where you're at with your current levels. Blood work is key when your on TRT, helps you keep safe with all your levels. I normally do bloodwork before a cycle.... then 2 months after a cycle. I hit about 2 cycles a year.

Do you need to hit a cycle, personal choice. But if you do, let us know. There are a lot of OGs here that can guide you 👊
Forgot to mention sources, I get all my stuff from @gearmaniac101 so I can vouch for them 100%. I'm pretty sure they deliver anywhere in Australia. They're a sponsor here, but to be fair there is also another sponsor @nexuspharma ... you can check them both. There's heaps of reviews, pics and test results that you can check out.
Hey brother, welcome to the forum. From the sounds of it, you're on the right track. The dosages you mentioned are conservative and optimal for a first timer. I agree with starting with 125mg to see how your body reacts but you may find that you would want to increase that to 250mg after a 6 weeks. See how you feel... If you do decide to increase it, just split the 250mg into 2 injections. So if you were pinning on 125mg on a Sunday, add the extra 125mg on a Wednesday. This helps keep levels stable.

During the TRT process you should take Anastrozole once a week (0.5mg, 1/2 a tablet) to manage estrogen. With the Anastrozole, I wouldn't start this when your on 125mg, no need but just keep an eye on sensitive or puffy nipples (I highly doubt you will get it at low dose). Only start when your on 250mg a week. Just note... if you do start to see any signs of sensitive nipples then just add another extra 0.5mg of the tab so then its twice a week. Take it on the pin days so you can keep track. Doing your blood tests will also help with adjusting the dosages to keep your estrogen levels stable. (me personally, I do twice a week... you will get varying opinions on this one)

You don't need PCT when you're on TRT bro. If I were you, I would definitely get blood tests done just to check where you're at with your current levels. Blood work is key when your on TRT, helps you keep safe with all your levels. I normally do bloodwork before a cycle.... then 2 months after a cycle. I hit about 2 cycles a year.

Do you need to hit a cycle, personal choice. But if you do, let us know. There are a lot of OGs here that can guide you 👊
Thanks mate. I appreciate your reply.

I did blood work a little while ago. My Testosterone was at 646ng/dl or 22.4nmol/L. Middle of the range basically.
Hello all. I recently came across this forum while up late researching. I am impressed with how friendly, encouraging and helpful everyone seems to be toward each other.

About me: I'm a 37 year old male living West of Brisbane. I am 188cm tall and 85kgs. I've been weight lifting consistently for many years now. I have never tried steroids but I've been researching about them for a while now and am thinking of starting on low dose Testosterone, starting with 125mg. I'd like to see how my body responds to that first and then look at possibly going to 200mg or 250mg if 125mg doesn't seem to be doing anything for me.

My goals: I'm not looking to get huge. I'm pretty happy with my current physique actually. I'm just hoping to enjoy some of the benefits of added Test such as, more energy, virility and motivation. I'm aware that once I start I could be on it for life. I'm prepared to commit to that if the benefits are noteworthy.

A couple of questions:
1. Can anyone recommend a good, credible and reliable source of Testosterone for my location? I'd like to stick to one source for long term.
2. With my aim of staying on a low dose of Test (125mg to 250mg max), do I need to bother with Cycling, PCT or AI's? I'm hoping not.

My vote is with Gearmaniac 💪 - never had any issues with their quality and delivery is on point. I normally get my order delivered in 3 to 4 days.

also... when on TRT there is no need for PCT 👌
Welcome brother, someone from my neck of the woods, I’m west of brisvegas also. You will find all the top notch advice you need here.
Hello all. I recently came across this forum while up late researching. I am impressed with how friendly, encouraging and helpful everyone seems to be toward each other.

About me: I'm a 37 year old male living West of Brisbane. I am 188cm tall and 85kgs. I've been weight lifting consistently for many years now. I have never tried steroids but I've been researching about them for a while now and am thinking of starting on low dose Testosterone, starting with 125mg. I'd like to see how my body responds to that first and then look at possibly going to 200mg or 250mg if 125mg doesn't seem to be doing anything for me.

My goals: I'm not looking to get huge. I'm pretty happy with my current physique actually. I'm just hoping to enjoy some of the benefits of added Test such as, more energy, virility and motivation. I'm aware that once I start I could be on it for life. I'm prepared to commit to that if the benefits are noteworthy.

A couple of questions:
1. Can anyone recommend a good, credible and reliable source of Testosterone for my location? I'd like to stick to one source for long term.
2. With my aim of staying on a low dose of Test (125mg to 250mg max), do I need to bother with Cycling, PCT or AI's? I'm hoping not.

Welcome brother! 250mg Test a week will do the trick 👌
Hey mate, North Brisbane here.

58 years old, 185cm, 74kg looking for a bit of a boost.

Similar to you I've never used anything before, starting with test e only, 250mg twice a week.

Can vouch for gearmaniac - my first purchase arrived within 3 days. Took a bit re the crypto / bitcoin side but all good.
Also glass vials Australia for 18g extraction needles, 25g injection needles, and syringes.

It's been a refreshing education reading posts / opinions of the experienced people here.

All the best.