Low libido mystery!


Hiya team!!

I have a very interesting issue of low libido with a bunch of potential reasons and would love to see if anyone else had similar experiences or ideas!


- Currently on 250mg Test E + Mast E pinned EOD (two weeks into the “blast” i know its not high amounts but its a does I see great results at)

- Done one blast before this at same dose and have been cruising since October

- Went away with a girl 3 weeks ago and shagged for 72 hours pretty much and since then libido has crashed a bit…

- looking at my recent blood work (which was done post workout, not ideal I know… will get another one done in a weeks time)

- Prolactin was quite high and so was E2

- Last blast my E2 was high but I never get symptoms around that mark

- Sleep is alright I suppose… could be better

- I do a fair bit of crossfit training so could also he crashed from sessions

Supplements currently taking:

- Ashwagandha (no clue if this helps or hinders)
- Milk thistle so bring down my LFT
- Horney Goat Weed
- Niccotine pouches (not a supplement but thought id throw em in there)

Any ideas or suggestions throw em in!

