Help with first cycle


Greetings fellas, I've been lurking a bunch of forums gathering and absorbing as much information regarding steroids but decided to post here. I wanted to take orals as my first cycle back when I was like 21 but after reading around I was convinced that an oral only cycle was not worth it.

In the end, I decided to wait and decided that I would start my first cycle with just TEST Cyp.

Now i feel as though it's time to begin my own cycle!
Just have a couple of question for you guys.

A little background info:

Age: 26
Height: 180cm
Weight: 88kg
Steroids experience: None.
Body Fat: 12-14%
Years Training: 10 years. Started lifting at the age of 16
Goal: Put on more size

Proposed Cycle:
Weeks 1-10
Test cyp: 500mg/wk (250mg twice a week)(Tues/Sat)

Weeks 12-16
PCT: Nolva 40/40/20/20/20

I understand the importance of having an AI like aromasin while on cycle.

I also understand that Proviron is not an AI but I've read so many different reviews regarding the usage of proviron in place of an ai during cycle. This has confused me and I just need some sort of clarification.

I can see that there are 2 sponsors here and will go with one of them. Don't know which one yet.

If someone could please confirm and educate me... I'm all ears :)
Great post. 12 week cycle would be better.

I would also add in clomid for your Pct.

I would suggest using an ai and not Proviron for the first cycle. Proviron doesn't reduce estrogen it only uses up some of the receptors.
Thanks for that.
So i've made some minor tweaks

1-12 Test C 500mg/wk
Proviron 50mg/ed
Aromasin - depending on e2 levels and sides (i will be getting blood work pre-during-post)

PCT still remains the same except for the fact i'll be starting at week 14.

Duration =12-16 weeks.
Test dosage = perfect
Proviron = don’t need it
Pct = good
A.I = aromasin or arimadex on hand

You seem set.

Nexus and gear maniac are the vendors here.

I’ve personally used @gearmaniac101 and can vouch with blood work that he is good to go. Also a really good bloke to chat with. Very helpful.

Nexus I have no experience with so can’t comment.

Welcome to the dark side 💪🏽