Factors that may lead to a deload?

I'd say when you're feeling constantly fatigued, experiencing a decrease in strength and consistently being sore are all indicators that it's time for a deload.

Also another one is if you find yourself dreading the gym or feel mentally exhausted. That's also a sign to take a break.
If you have an intense training cycle, it's a given and important to incorporate a deload week to recuperate and prepare for the next phase.
Never even heard of it until about 12 months ago, so not much good asking me 🤣 if I'm feeling fatigued I take an extra day off, eat more and take a teaspoon of cement. But deload seems to be a thing now. It was a thing I think with powerlifters way back, but I never heard of it in bodybuilding until recently.
Maybe just take a week off every 12 if you are feeling fatigued.
Never even heard of it until about 12 months ago, so not much good asking me 🤣 if I'm feeling fatigued I take an extra day off, eat more and take a teaspoon of cement. But deload seems to be a thing now. It was a thing I think with powerlifters way back, but I never heard of it in bodybuilding until recently.
Maybe just take a week off every 12 if you are feeling fatigued.
First time I saw this Deload now 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
If you have an intense training cycle, it's a given and important to incorporate a deload week to recuperate and prepare for the next phase.
100% agree with this, it's not possible to be hitting heavier and heavier lifts or higher reps without giving your joints a break every now and then to recover.

I think people get deloading confused with a week off, during a deload I'll drop back to the weight I was using for the first week of whatever block of training I'm doing, hit that for half the reps I would normally do and drop my sets down to 2-3 an exercise.
I personally find deload weeks boring but at the same time there's still enough stimulus to keep my muscles active and means I can hit my next 5-6 week block as hard as I can without the accumulated fatigue from the previous block holding me back
100% agree with this, it's not possible to be hitting heavier and heavier lifts or higher reps without giving your joints a break every now and then to recover.

I think people get deloading confused with a week off, during a deload I'll drop back to the weight I was using for the first week of whatever block of training I'm doing, hit that for half the reps I would normally do and drop my sets down to 2-3 an exercise.
I personally find deload weeks boring but at the same time there's still enough stimulus to keep my muscles active and means I can hit my next 5-6 week block as hard as I can without the accumulated fatigue from the previous block holding me back
Okay yes now that word makes more sense, yup
Resting pulse rate in morning can indicate overtraining. Reduced sleep, appetite and mood makes hard training pointless so a low volume maintenance could help(Few sets of heavy basic exercises once a week if you’re not injured)
Resting pulse rate in morning can indicate overtraining. Reduced sleep, appetite and mood makes hard training pointless so a low volume maintenance could help(Few sets of heavy basic exercises once a week if you’re not injured)
Interested re resting pulse rate. Also, just wondering are you an MD? Like because of your username/knowledge I am curious lol