Cycle help


Hey peeps ok getting tbol and test e for first cycle I will be inject 💉 once week test e and taking 20mg tbol for 6 weeks is this 20mg every day good for a first cycle as a safe on liver thank you peep🤜🤛
Probably going to need a little more info brother to get some informative opinions from the other members.

Test is always “the beginner” cycle.

Cycle length ? Personally I would suggest 16 weeks. But this is only my opinion.

Dosage ? 1 injection per week will not give you a smooth base line. I would suggest 2 injections per week.

Adding onto the dosage I would use 2 x 1cc injections for 6 weeks (500mg weekly) and then I would personally ramp up to 3x 1cc injections - Monday/wednesday/friday (750mg weekly)

Tbol is not something I’m a lover of so I’d rather not give much comment on it. I’ll leave it for someone who can give a detailed opinion.

I would have some Aromasin on hand incase on estrogen side affects.

Then lastly will this be a blast and cruise situation you’re entering or cycling on and off ? As you may also need PCT. Clomid is king in my opinion.

These are strictly my opinions mate. Some will agree. Some won’t. Best of luck to you brother
Hey peeps ok getting tbol and test e for first cycle I will be inject 💉 once week test e and taking 20mg tbol for 6 weeks is this 20mg every day good for a first cycle as a safe on liver thank you peep🤜🤛
Hey mate,

There was a post you put up yesterday about orals...

@hubbles had written up a nice cycle for you....

It's best if you stack orals with a test base. I would suggest a very simple 14 week cycle.

Wk 1 to 14- Test E 250mg Sunday/Test E 250mg Wednesday
Wk 1 to 4 - Tbol (50mg) every day
Wk 10 to 14 - Anavar (50mg).

During your cycle take Anastrozole 0.5 mg every other day (adjust the dosage based on your blood work and any symptoms). If you do experience high estrogen (e.g. water retention, gyno), you might need to increase the dosage to 0.5 mg every day.

Standard PCT: (start 2 weeks AFTER your last injection)
If you can access both compounds, do both, if not you can get away with just doing one of them.
Clomid- 50mg daily first 2 weeks, then 25mg daily for next 2 weeks
Nolvadex: 40mg daily for the first 2 weeks, then 20 mg daily for the next 2 weeks

Liver and organ support during your cycle
Milk Thistle
Omega-3 Fish oil

If you follow this plan with a strict diet and train (train hard), you should see some good results.
Hey peeps ok getting tbol and test e for first cycle I will be inject 💉 once week test e and taking 20mg tbol for 6 weeks is this 20mg every day good for a first cycle as a safe on liver thank you peep🤜🤛
Not knowing anything about your history and current diet, body composition it's all running off assumptions here but these boys are giving you some good advice.
Probably going to need a little more info brother to get some informative opinions from the other members.

Test is always “the beginner” cycle.

Cycle length ? Personally I would suggest 16 weeks. But this is only my opinion.

Dosage ? 1 injection per week will not give you a smooth base line. I would suggest 2 injections per week.

Adding onto the dosage I would use 2 x 1cc injections for 6 weeks (500mg weekly) and then I would personally ramp up to 3x 1cc injections - Monday/wednesday/friday (750mg weekly)

Tbol is not something I’m a lover of so I’d rather not give much comment on it. I’ll leave it for someone who can give a detailed opinion.

I would have some Aromasin on hand incase on estrogen side affects.

Then lastly will this be a blast and cruise situation you’re entering or cycling on and off ? As you may also need PCT. Clomid is king in my opinion.

These are strictly my opinions mate. Some will agree. Some won’t. Best of luck to you brother
Love the responses m8