Cruise or PCT


Hey I’m 23 years of age, currently finishing second cycle 18 weeks in. Am wondering as I’m only 23 if I should cruise or run Clomid and HCG as I’m considering doing my third cycle in about 10 weeks time.
Given your 23 and just did an 18 week cycle, I think it's crucial to think more long term about your health. I wouldn't recommend cruising but rather have time off, do a proper PCT and then think about another cycle. Best to kickstart your body's natural testosterone production, it's vital for your endocrine health. You're still young and have time to cycle smart. Give yourself that time off to restore balance before jumping into it again. (y)
Hey I’m 23 years of age, currently finishing second cycle 18 weeks in. Am wondering as I’m only 23 if I should cruise or run Clomid and HCG as I’m considering doing my third cycle in about 10 weeks time.
How many cycles do you run per year?
A lot more time off between cycles will give you natural system some chance of recovery. I never PCT until my 50’s. 3 month sports cycle & longer than 3 months off always worked well.
If you cruise for 10 weeks it’s not really getting your recovery time in so get bloodwork and make a smart decision when everything has stabilized-time depends on the compounds used & your metabolism. You might need some PCT if things don’t bounce back but it’s unlikely at your age (if you’re diet, training & health is ok )