Clen or Anavar or Both?


Hi Guys & Gals,

I've been reading ALOT of posts here and found it very interesting to see how anabolics works. I've come to the conclusion that its not an easy way out but more of an aid with achieving goals.

I'm 50 years old and have been struggling with loosing my tummy fat. At one stage in my life I did this 'diet' where I had practically starved myself and lost heaps but gained it all back again. Then I went through a phase where I had a PT and did everything correctly and lost weight the proper way. But its been a few years now, and it has come back again. I'm currently at 31.7% BF (nearly all of it's around my tummy). I've decided to turn things around in my life and take control. I will be sticking to more of a lifestyle change rather than diet. I will be back into incorporating training and cardio + steps again.

My question is, is it too early for me to start Clenbuterol and or Anavar?

Thank you from now for any advice :)
Hi :)

I've been reading alot of posts and decided to post my own today in the Ladies section. I would love to hear your advice and give me some direction.

Thank you!

For some reason I can’t answer in your other message. The products you mentioned will work but you could also look into ; peptides, SARMS, cartinine. Lots of new products that curb blood sugar and are a bit milder on the body and quite effective for what you want. Some are now available with prescription but it’s often expensive integrated Dr clinics. The plateau you have hit is often related to hormones that are boosted with carbs & stress ( so don’t overdo intense cardio or eat carbs at each meal)
I just did a test reply on my post and deleted it ... worked for me 🤷‍♀️

Thank you so much for your reply 😊

I'm just really new to this and I thought that Anavar or Clenbutural would be easier to start off with. I've just read that you need to be a certain BF% before you do any of them. I have worked plan of having 1200-1400 calories a day with Protein: 40%. Fats: 30%. Carbohydrates: 30%

What do you think? 😊