

Hey Amigos!
Hope you’re all crushing it in life atm!

Just wanted to see if anyone has experience with BPC-157 as the research Ive done touts it as a miracle cure all.
Did it help you?
What is the dosage/route/cycling etc.

Cheers guys
BPC-157 is actually great for healing and a lot of people swear by it. It's helped me a while ago with some tendon issues. I don't remember the dosages I used back then. But most guys use about 250-500 micrograms a day. You can inject it subcutaneously near the problem area for best results. As for cycling people usually run it for about 4 to 6 weeks.
I don’t suppose you know a supplier for TB500? Gearmaniac has BPC-157 but not that one.
Google peptides Australia or UGL forum. Plenty of suppliers & prices to choose from. Avoid fb ads, they sometimes mimic real suppliers that have websites