AGW - Weekly Challenge 5 - CLOSED

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Staff member
WIN $500! - Push-up Burpee Challenge

  • Complete as many burpees as possible in 1 minute.
  • Rest: Minimal rest allowed; aim for continuous motion.
  • Form: Each burpee must include a full push-up and jump. Incomplete reps won’t count. Proper Form is a MUST.
Watch this video for proper form:

How to Enter:
  1. Post your video in this thread, ensuring your form is clear and visible.
    • Angle: The video must be side view. Front view videos will be rejected.
    • Wear a mask and hat if you prefer to keep your face hidden.
  2. Enter as many times as you like!
Deadline: Entries close Thursday, February 20th, at midnight.

  • The participant with the highest number of Push-up Burpee's (as per the video demo) within 1 minute (proper form only!) will win $500, sent directly to their crypto wallet.
Judging Criteria:
  • All entries will be reviewed, and the Push-up Burpee count will be verified based on proper form. Decisions by the judges are final.
Good luck, and don’t forget to challenge your friends to join in!
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Shit me that was harder than expected. All went wrong, did about 20 and thought that something had gone wrong with the timer. iPad screen lock came on, stopped turned it off and still had 20 seconds to go! Tried it a second time and was way too exhaused.

Advice for others. You have one go at this, can't mess up and try a second run.
Let's get these videos in!

Deadline: Entries close Thursday, February 13th, at midnight.
Here we go here’s my second attempt. Need to try a third, but need some to find some time when it’s not directly after training. Think I can squeeze a few more in.
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