AGW - Weekly Challenge 1 - CLOSED

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Thanks @YAT35Y and @rickyd its awesome having these little competitions to test ourselves out and not take ourselves too seriously.

Big shout out to @jay and the AGW fam for putting this challenge on and being extremely generous, much appreciated

For this challenge and all future challenges i can't recommend enough to have a go, you might surprise youself and its amazing with a little competition how far you can be pushed. We are all here to be the best versions of ourselves.

Happy Lifting
Yup, good stuff, bit of fun and motivation this time of year when things can get sidetracked. Will get onto my pushups next week.

After comparing my Take 1 video to the form vid realised I had never done a proper dip in my life, so had to do a Take 2!

Getting flashbacks to footy offseason when coach used to set Concept 2 Erg challenges, max distance in 30 mins and 2k time trials. They were hell, all the boys pushing hard. Please no erg challenges Jay.
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