AGW Bodybuilding Forum Log Standards

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1. Detailed Information:
  • Include comprehensive details about your training routine, diet plan, and progress.
  • A log should provide valuable insights into your journey, making it informative for other members.

2. Regular Updates:
  • Keep your log updated regularly, detailing any changes or progress.
  • Consistent updates maintain the relevance and usefulness of your log.

3. Transparency:
  • Be transparent about the supplements, PEDs, and other substances you are using.
  • Share dosage information, cycle lengths, and any other relevant details.

4. Health and Safety:
  • Prioritise discussions around health and safety.
  • Include any health markers, blood work results, or medical feedback that could be useful for others to learn from.

5. Multimedia Integration:
  • Where possible, include photos, videos, and charts to visually document your progress.
  • Blurring faces or anonymising content as required to maintain privacy.

6. Clear Structure:
  • Organise your log with clear headings, sections, and a logical flow. Common sections include:
  • Introduction and Goals
  • Training Plan
  • Nutrition Plan
  • Supplement / PED Regimen
  • Progress Updates
  • Reflection and Adjustments

7. Engagement:
  • Engage with feedback and questions from other members.
  • Use your log as a platform for interactive discussion and mutual learning.

8. Compliance:
  • Ensure your log complies with all forum rules and standards.
  • Logs promoting unsafe or unethical practices may be subject to review and removal.
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