Test CYP Only Cycle?


Hey guys!
I'm on TRT. I have lots of dr prescribed test cyp. Plus clomid. I'm on 200 mg per week and I would like to know if bumping my dosage to 500 a week would make a good difference in muscle mass. If so, for how long should I run this for? How much muscle do you think I can gain?

I'm pretty lean and workout 4 to 5 days a week and also have a clean diet. Any advice would help.
How much muscle gain? Depends on the person, diet, training... genetics.

Without knowing much about your history, all I can really say is hit the gym hard, up your food intake. The extra gear alone won't grow muscle brother. You need to train and eat well. And you won't see amazing results after your first blast. It takes years of hard work and dedication. It's possible, you just need to have the dedication ;)...
Hey guys!
I'm on TRT. I have lots of dr prescribed test cyp. Plus clomid. I'm on 200 mg per week and I would like to know if bumping my dosage to 500 a week would make a good difference in muscle mass. If so, for how long should I run this for? How much muscle do you think I can gain?

I'm pretty lean and workout 4 to 5 days a week and also have a clean diet. Any advice would help.
It sure will. If you've been on 200 so far and you bump it up to 500, you will put on weight. As musmack said, you need to keep your calories high enough and training intense enough to support muscle growth. If you're lean, then definitely prioritise your diet!
At 500mg it's no longer trt but more of a cycle, so run it for ten weeks. Then go back to trt to recover. As for how much muscle you will gain, only you know the answer. Run your cycle and you will know for sure at the end.
Hey guys, just wanted to give you an update. I did 12 weeks of 500mg Test and now back on 200mg TRT. I'm happy with the results but now keen to plan my next cycle. Any advice on when and what the stack should be?
Give it about 12 weeks before starting your next cycle and best to get some bloods done before you start again.

If you're looking to bulk, you could go with Test E at 500mg/week and Deca at 300-400mg/week, maybe kickstart with Dianabol at 30-50mg/day for the first 4 to 5 weeks. If cutting is your goal, stick with Test E at 500mg/week and add Anavar at 50-80mg/day to your last 6 weeks... if you have experience with it, consider adding Tren at 300mg/week and run it for about 10 weeks. Make sure you have your Arimidex and Nolva on hand for estrogen control.
If cutting is your goal, stick with Test E at 500mg/week and add Anavar at 50-80mg/day to your last 6 weeks... if you have experience with it, consider adding Tren at 300mg/week and run it for about 10 weeks.
I like that stack, nice and simple 👌