T3 Didnt work - AusPharmacy scam?


Hey folks,
I'm new to this world - did a cycle of T3 late last year and lost zero weight (all common side effects). I did source from Auspharmacy, and now in retrospect with their exit scam - I am doubting the legitimacy of the product.
Should I try again?
Sorry to hear that brother! Definitely would'nt go back to them.

Before you hit any cycles can I ask what your age, weight, height, bodyfat, experience with cycles (what compounds you've used in the past apart from T3), how many years you've been training?

Are you eating a balanced diet?

Have you done bloods?

And what are your body composition goals?

There are a lot of knowledgeable boys here who can give you advice.
Sorry to hear that brother! Definitely would'nt go back to them.

Before you hit any cycles can I ask what your age, weight, height, bodyfat, experience with cycles (what compounds you've used in the past apart from T3), how many years you've been training?

Are you eating a balanced diet?

Have you done bloods?

And what are your body composition goals?

There are a lot of knowledgeable boys here who can give you advice.
28, 74kg, 177cm, bf 22%, I've used clen for a shred a couple years ago.

I've been an elite athlete prior, so know how to train and commit to goals. Ive only been gymming (more than just once a week to supplement other training) for couple years. Yes, my diet is pretty clean and I've been tracking macros religiously for a out 6 months.

Bloods haven't shown anything to note.
To be completely frank my body composition goals are more focussed around athletic performance - losing weight will assist me immensely.
I should also note that I'm a female (not sure if that makes a difference?).
I do also note that my enquiry probably isn't strictly the focus of this forum - but I figure y'all know how to cycle!
28, 74kg, 177cm, bf 22%, I've used clen for a shred a couple years ago.

I've been an elite athlete prior, so know how to train and commit to goals. Ive only been gymming (more than just once a week to supplement other training) for couple years. Yes, my diet is pretty clean and I've been tracking macros religiously for a out 6 months.

Bloods haven't shown anything to note.
To be completely frank my body composition goals are more focussed around athletic performance - losing weight will assist me immensely.
I should also note that I'm a female (not sure if that makes a difference?).
I do also note that my enquiry probably isn't strictly the focus of this forum - but I figure y'all know how to cycle!
Sorry, automatically assumed you were a guy.

From the sound of things you know what you're doing when it comes to diet and keeping fit. I would definitely add some heavy weight training to the mix as this will help you loose fat and get toned quicker.

I would also start on a small Anavar cycle...

6 week Anavar only:

Week 1: 5mg per day
Week 2 - 6: 10mg per day

Just watch for the sides (may muck with your period) eats lots of protein and just make sure you hit the weights.