Sponsorship Guidelines: How to Join Our Community as a Sponsor


Staff Member
Staff member
At Aussie Gym Whores, we welcome sponsors who share our values of promoting health, fitness, and community engagement. To become a sponsor, you should contribute to the growth of our forum by offering valuable insights and resources related to fitness. While you can showcase your products or services, we require that your self-promotion doesn't overshadow the support you provide to the community. We expect respectful engagement and professionalism from our sponsors, and any inappropriate behaviour will result in termination.

If you're interested in becoming a sponsor, please contact our 'Sponsor Manager' @flex directly for details.

Please note that we only consider sponsors with a proven track record of quality and trust.

Our goal is to partner with sponsors who share our commitment to fostering a supportive environment for fitness enthusiasts and ensuring mutual growth and success within our community.
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Hello Sponsor Manager, I want to join the sponsor of the forum, what should I do? How is the cost of the advertisement charged? I don't understand, please answer, thank you
Hello Sponsor Manager, I want to join the sponsor of the forum, what should I do? How is the cost of the advertisement charged? I don't understand, please answer, thank you
For all new sponsor applications please message our 'Sponsor Manager' @flex directly for details.