recommendations and advice


Hey i’m 19 F and been consistent in training for over 3 years and want to start a cycle.

i’ve done 1 cycle ostarine (oral).

i’m looking into taking peptides and var and want some recommendations on what i should start with as a beginner
Hey i’m 19 F and been consistent in training for over 3 years and want to start a cycle.

i’ve done 1 cycle ostarine (oral).

i’m looking into taking peptides and var and want some recommendations on what i should start with as a beginner
Hi there! Definitely hit up @gearmaniac101. Super professional and easy to deal with, and shipping is super fast - I often get my stuff within 2-3 days of placing the order. All the best
As everyone else has mentioned, 100% vouch for @gearmaniac101 🤙🏼

Fast and friendly. Hit them up on Telegram (same username)

Hey i’m 19 F and been consistent in training for over 3 years and want to start a cycle.

i’ve done 1 cycle ostarine (oral).

i’m looking into taking peptides and var and want some recommendations on what i should start with as a beginner
At 19 your body is naturally primed for growth and recovery so you really don't need peptides. Better to take advantage of your body's natural abilities and build from there. If you're set on trying anavar start with a low dose, like 5 mg daily, for a 6-week cycle. Just be conscious of how your body responds with sides and stop if need be.
At 19 your body is naturally primed for growth and recovery so you really don't need peptides. Better to take advantage of your body's natural abilities and build from there. If you're set on trying anavar start with a low dose, like 5 mg daily, for a 6-week cycle. Just be conscious of how your body responds with sides and stop if need be.
thank you this is really helpful
Var is one of the safest oral options but as already mentioned it’s a bit early to start cycling so plan maximum 2 month protocol & have a decent break.You will probably notice great recovery and energy levels with 5mg pre training.
The old cjc & Ghrp mix is very well tried and tested.( Ghrp 6 if you want appetite or Ghrp2 if not) Don’t expect bulk with these compounds- even with higher doses. 20 years ago I did 6 weeks Var then 6 weeks peptide mix which worked well for general fitness, energy and body composition. Daily needles get annoying so a SARM like ostarine or Mk 677 is another option if they work for you
Var is one of the safest oral options but as already mentioned it’s a bit early to start cycling so plan maximum 2 month protocol & have a decent break.You will probably notice great recovery and energy levels with 5mg pre training.
The old cjc & Ghrp mix is very well tried and tested.( Ghrp 6 if you want appetite or Ghrp2 if not) Don’t expect bulk with these compounds- even with higher doses. 20 years ago I did 6 weeks Var then 6 weeks peptide mix which worked well for general fitness, energy and body composition. Daily needles get annoying so a SARM like ostarine or Mk 677 is another option if they work for you

Hey @doc what’s your opinion or experience on running orals first 6 weeks of a cycle vs last?
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Only orals I’ve used are low dose Var & Primo. I prefer first 6 weeks due to the fast action and lack of fluid retention ( handy while test and longer esters get started) Little bit of DHT seems to balance out hormones nicely.
Seen a few theories about joint health and injury prevention too. Endurance athletes have used them to speed recovery from injuries( under sports medical supervision)
Definitely helps energy & recovery which usually isn’t required towards end of cycle.
Only reason I would add them to end would be if I wanted blood test to be normal in few weeks and had to reduce oils to achieve this . Another reason for end use would be pre- comp or cut protocol. The above compounds work really well for that but that’s not my thing.