Optimal time to start steroids?


Afternoon ladies and gents!

I'm curious about everyone's thoughts on when's the best time in someone's life to start any sort of steroids. Some people say that you should fully maximise genetic potential first and then we have all sorts of mixed opinions when it comes to what age.

When should someone who is weightlifting, bodybuilding or working on body composition think about using steroids?
I admit, it's me being biased, but I believe it's best for an individual to wait until after they've finished having children and be at least in their early thirties with 5 to 10 years of training under their belt. Not just to safeguard fertility but also crucial for mastering proper techniques and establishing a strong foundation, including tendon and ligament strength.

When I started, there wasn't as much information readily available. If it were today, I might have felt inclined to start earlier due to all the accessible resources, but I'm glad I waited. It's important to have a good understanding before you get started.
Definitely better to wait until your natural system slows down -Usually 30’s unless you were injured, stressed or overtraining when younger. Lifelong replacement or PCT isn’t ideal when your usually young & healthy
If you're still young, you probably have a good amount of testosterone in your body. With the right diet and training, you should experience gains. I believe it's wise to hold off on using gear until you've reached your natural peak. For those in their 20s looking to begin, thoroughly educate yourself on the subject. There'll be numerous questions and varying answers to navigate.
I admit, it's me being biased, but I believe it's best for an individual to wait until after they've finished having children and be at least in their early thirties with 5 to 10 years of training under their belt. Not just to safeguard fertility but also crucial for mastering proper techniques and establishing a strong foundation, including tendon and ligament strength.

When I started, there wasn't as much information readily available. If it were today, I might have felt inclined to start earlier due to all the accessible resources, but I'm glad I waited. It's important to have a good understanding before you get started.
Totally agree with you, I feel for all the 18-20 year Olds I see getting on gear, and also the amount they are jumping on at such a young age.
I had no desire to have kids when I was that age, but I now have 3 and would be kicking myself if a decision I made back then prevented that.

I also don't think people take into account just how much you can gain in your teens/20's with a good diet and hard training. I also think a lot of people get sucked in by the current influencer hype around steroids because none of them show the downsides only these incredibly quick transformations from cycles that a more suited to the Olympia stage than to a dude lifting recreationally in his late teens. Then they drop off and someone replaces them as the new hotness so we never get to see the aftermath.

Lifting is a life long hobby, no sense blowing through all your fuel for it in the first couple years when you could have made most of those gains naturally in my opinion
Well I guess if your dream is to be an ifbb pro then it’s probably early 20s. If not then around thirty, maybe late 20s. I did a cycle for 8 weeks when I was 20, and another 8 weeks at 21 as well as 16 weeks at 22. Back then we had pharmaceutical grade stuff and we were told not to do any more than 16 weeks. But I just loved to train so by cycling on and off and continuing training I built a decent amount of permanent muscle. If you have an addictive nature. Maybe wait until you’re a bit older. If you’re a bit more disciplined than maybe you can do a short low dose cycle once a year or so. The rule is don’t be silly, you have plenty of information, do your own research.
The best time to start is never. The second best time is if you 1. Have the maturity level to accept the risks and possible consequences of your actions 2. Know how to properly diet and train and recover first and 3. Have a stable source of income and stable relationships
No steroid in the world will ever replace what proper nutrition can do. If you’re not ready to commit to fixing that, and actually adhering to, then you’re not ready for gear.

Like @NickLovesCybexHack said maturity, if your mindset isn’t focused,then you’re even further from being ready for gear. (Actually this should be the first thing you ‘fix’. No matter what your goal is, in life or the gym, your mindset is everything)

Just my opinion.
When you have dedicated yourself for years, heart and soul, you have reached a certain level and age then yes it's an option, like I said I did my proper first cycle at 42 years old,