Off-Cycle Peptides?


Don't have a lot of experience with peptides so any help + info is appreciated. Are there any peptides good for off cycle that help maintain muscle mass, but don't inhibit LH recovery?
Any GHRP/Mod combo will do. Most guys prefer Ipam as their GHRP these days but I think Hex needs to be given some serious consideration if you want more bang.
HGH and Insulin help with PCT. HGH can be pricey so low dose insulin with high carb meals.
Any GHRP/Mod combo will do. Most guys prefer Ipam as their GHRP these days but I think Hex needs to be given some serious consideration if you want more bang.
Specifically what Ghrp/mod should I be looking for? I know ghrp6 is good for hunger and nutrient delivery.
Did you really just recommend GH and insulin for pct? I can't tell if srs or not..
Well they are peptides that would significantly help you hold on to your muscle. They wouldn't help with your LH functioning at all (I feel like GH might but i'm no scientist)
@scroody2 is right. Ipam and mod gfr (commonly called cjc-1293 no dac). Although im really interested in recent research on Hexarelin.That being said I have about 24 weeks worth of BSP and Elite Peptide CJC-1295 with Dac on hand. So gonna go a little crazy with that.
Did you really just recommend GH and insulin for pct? I can't tell if srs or not..
Yes it will help.

Peptides are overrated in my opinion, even at high doses.

If you're not going to step on stage all you need is AAS and maybe some GH. Everything else is overkill in my opinion. Too many guys don't look at their diet first and just want a way to justify using more drugs. Diet trumps everything.
Yes it will help.

Peptides are overrated in my opinion, even at high doses.

If you're not going to step on stage all you need is AAS and maybe some GH. Everything else is overkill in my opinion. Too many guys don't look at their diet first and just want a way to justify using more drugs. Diet trumps everything.
AAS for PCT? Insulin is really cheap but is definitely not as good as GH. BB's like to substitute GH w/ insulin b/c its cheaper but get a bloated look. GH is amazing but is expensive.
AAS for PCT? Insulin is really cheap but is definitely not as good as GH. BB's like to substitute GH w/ insulin b/c its cheaper but get a bloated look. GH is amazing but is expensive.
No. What I'm saying is you don't need peptides period. Increase the calories, keep up on the cardio while recovering.

All you need in general to grow are aas and GH, IF you're using peptides at all, I personally think they are over rated, for PCT or while on cycle.