Mind your own business in the gym


I go to the gym at my age mostly for mental issues depression etc.

I havent taken anti depression medication since July 2019 the month I started my gym workouts
I workout average 2-3 hours hard workout where my shirts😉 are soaked wet and I need my walking stick to get home

So you may be wondering why I'm telling you this

Because when I first started I noticed it was difficult to go to the gym for fear of others looking at you etc...
Nowadays I can't even tell you who was in the gym , I have no idea , my mind is purely focused on my workout ....my earphones in listening to 1970's& 1980's music ,sometimes that music brings back memories as I lift hard ,my past life , anger ,sadness etc
Don't ask me who was in the gym yesterday between 6pm and 9pm I have no idea but do know I smashed out 7 sets of front shoulder raises , bicep curls so much I couldn't hold the walking stick on my way home

Well last week I saw a new young member who was around obese 180kg and only 25 ,for some reason he approached me outside the gym as I was leaving (sweaty and on my walking stick )
He said complimented me at first then said he wouldn't be coming back he was sad

I was shocked and I asked him why ,he says the young girl gym assistant had told him she received a complaint by another (new) lady member who was riding a exercise bike at the back of his treadmill and she observed him watching porn and was disgusted
He told me it wasnt porn but this tiktok and girls dancing semi naked and he had headphones and the phone was on a holder on the treadmill,
Im surprised she could see it though from behind because he is a big guy unless she moved her head to the side ?

So I told him not to to leave the gym , and I phoned the owner of the gym who told me a lady had complained to his young staff member that Aaron the obese boy of watching porn but it was this tiktok thing and apparently there is people dancing on this semi naked ?

The owner of the gym knows he and agreed it was laughable but even said "people have even complained about me ? And laughed
Really ? I said
Yes ,but I never tell anyone unless they re serious complaints he said

I have no idea if he was serious and I don't care actually

My point is this , if your on a exercise bike mind your own business,your in the gym to achieve goals
I have no idea what the next person is doing .
In fact I was on the exercise bike yesterday at a incline at "20" I was concentrating on my calves I cant even remember who was on the treadmills in front of me !
I'm not watching, I'm listening to my music and smashing it out ,I have no idea what someone else is doing
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Some people are just assholes who are miserable so they need to complain, ***** a moan to give their miserable lives some form of meaning to them.

i personally can always remember who’s in the gym. I train the same time 6-7 days per week so I’ve learned the faces. Even made friends. Close friendship with the owner and managing staff. But I do very much agree that you also need to be minding your own business to some degree

A complaint about porn though. TikTok and what is shown on it nowadays would be considered porn to our more senior members who are very set in their ways. It’s an unfortunate but very real reality.

If only everyone could just be kind to one another.

Treat others as you wish to be treated my old man always told me 💪🏽