Lowest dose of npp


Just wondering what you guys consider the lowest dose of npp that is still effective. This is the problem, 3 weeks ago I started

Test e @ 600mg weekly (300mg twice a week)

Npp 130mg eod.

Winstrol 25 mg every day.

So I had to drop the winstrol after about a week in because my bp. It went crazy.

Dropped npp about a week ago because I had severe insomnia. I work nights so I deal with this normally but this was much worse. I tried npp one other time and ended up dropping it because of the same thing. Wasn't for sure what caused it last time because I was on multiple aas. But I'm pretty sure now with this run that it was the npp.

So question is, what do you guys thing the lowest effective dose of npp is. I was really starting to like it but not willing to deal with these sides. Wonder if it's dose related. Maybe started out to high. Maybe try 50mg eod and work up? Scared to do deca if it effects me the same way with its longer half life.
I've never heard of nandrolone causing insomnia... but who knows..

Are you using the same source every time? It may not be npp
Do you get anxiety from it or just insomnia?
Yes anxiety which I have never had. Always most laid back guy around. Everything always just rolled off. Insomnia is a *****. I think it has to be the npp. I've done several test only cycles without problem. I'm used test and anavar. No problems. Test, tren, mast no problem. Last cycle I started was test, npp, mast, superdrol. Started having anxiety and insomnia so just dropped everything and returned test back to my trt dose (100mg weekly). Said I would never do that again. Was only sleeping couple hrs every day. I wanted to give npp another shot. Same symptoms. im 49 yrs old. To old to deal with this shit!

Just wondered if it would even be worth it to do like 50 mg npp every other day.
Yes anxiety which I have never had. Always most laid back guy around. Everything always just rolled off. Insomnia is a *****. I think it has to be the npp. I've done several test only cycles without problem. I'm used test and anavar. No problems. Test, tren, mast no problem. Last cycle I started was test, npp, mast, superdrol. Started having anxiety and insomnia so just dropped everything and returned test back to my trt dose (100mg weekly). Said I would never do that again. Was only sleeping couple hrs every day. I wanted to give npp another shot. Same symptoms. im 49 yrs old. To old to deal with this shit!

Just wondered if it would even be worth it to do like 50 mg npp every other day.
If you handle Tren well why not run that instead?
That is odd that you can handle tren and not NPP, but easily believable because reactions can be vastly different from person to person.

I think your anxiety and insomnia are linked to higher blood pressure and resting heart rate. Have you been monitoring BP and pulse regularly? I would drop the NPP dose down like you say to 50mg eod, run that at least 2wks and see if the sides dissipate.
Another option, drop the NPP completely until sides go, probably 1-2 weeks, then start back at 50mg EOD. This will get rid of the sides quicker assuming it is NPP causing it.
The AAS could indeed be a contributing factor. The good news is that you can see improvements by making simple lifestyle changes. Try cutting out all stimulants from your day, limit your coffee intake, avoid pre-workouts, and steer clear of caffeine 6-8 hours before bed. These changes could make a significant difference to your sleep quality.

Low-dose NPP will still have some effects, but I would suggest sticking to the 150 and letting your body adjust. It may take some time, but trust me, it will balance out. Give it a chance, because 150 can really shine at 150 EOD, and I wouldn't want you to miss out on its benefits!