Low libido


I'm 36, married and I’ve been experiencing loss of interest in ***. Nothing to do with my wife as I'm very much in love with her and attracted to her.

I just had bloodwork done and estrogen and prolactin were in range. I started loosing it towards the end of a cycle with 500mg of test only. I started getting it back a bit when I added in proviron but it seems to be slowing down again. Currently right now I’m only taking 250mg of test e a week, 50mg of proviron, arimidex.5mg twice a week, cialis 20mg in the mornings. No problems getting hard I just don’t feel like it anymore and I basically have to force myself to get in the mood. I’ve been using gear for several years now and have never experienced thisbefore. Any thoughts or suggestions?
I'm 46, exactly the same situation and predicament. 6weeks in on 500mg test.e, trying to switch it around, but getting nowhere. Im putting it down to just old age and lifestyle change as I'm no longer crazy spontaneous and living in the fast lane. I miss being that guy.
I'm 36, married and I’ve been experiencing loss of interest in ***. Nothing to do with my wife as I'm very much in love with her and attracted to her.

I just had bloodwork done and estrogen and prolactin were in range. I started loosing it towards the end of a cycle with 500mg of test only. I started getting it back a bit when I added in proviron but it seems to be slowing down again. Currently right now I’m only taking 250mg of test e a week, 50mg of proviron, arimidex.5mg twice a week, cialis 20mg in the mornings. No problems getting hard I just don’t feel like it anymore and I basically have to force myself to get in the mood. I’ve been using gear for several years now and have never experienced thisbefore. Any thoughts or suggestions?
Are you overtraining? ...taking any other medications? anything else happening in your life? getting enough sleep?
Are you overtraining? ...taking any other medications? anything else happening in your life? getting enough sleep?
I took some time off from the gym and now feeling recharged. Work keeps my sleep schedule a bit off, but I’ve been getting more rest lately. Not using any other meds apart from what I mentioned before. Generally things are going pretty smooth in life but there’s always room for improvement but no major complaints. I just can't pin point to anything that makes it all so frustrating.
I took some time off from the gym and now feeling recharged. Work keeps my sleep schedule a bit off, but I’ve been getting more rest lately. Not using any other meds apart from what I mentioned before. Generally things are going pretty smooth in life but there’s always room for improvement but no major complaints. I just can't pin point to anything that makes it all so frustrating.
Ok, it could happen after being on elevated doses of test for long periods of time, but in saying that you're not on a very high dose.

If your bloodwork came back in range for e2 the amount of adex should be fine, but it would crash mine at that dosing with that amount of test.

Could be over***ed man. Maybe take a break. Stop looking at porn and let your head reset. Lots of times it's mental. Stress plays a MASSIVE role. It's ok not to be doing it daily or even weekly. Overthinking this could be the actual culprit.
I’d agree with Massmonster. How long were you on your current cycle before getting bloodwork done. That amount of arimidex would crush my estrogen as well. Do you get morning wood? Don’t have to have it every day but morning wood is a pretty good sign that estrogen is in the right place. It's a good indicator for me :)
Blood work was done 27th July 2024. Like I said in my previous post I feel the same. Maybe compare blood work and find the common dominator. Currently on 500mg test.e. The blood work was done via a testosterone clinic and deemed me normal, hence why I'm here
Appreciate you sharing these results @GreyMan . I compared it to mine and found that our hormonal levels are very similar. I've got a Drs appointment today to discuss this further with him as well. Thanks for the replys guys.
I'm not getting the low libido but I do get the erection issue. I take Viagra but just becomes annoying with timing it.