High PROP or High NPP for best Mass?


Boys, I'm gonna run a short clean bulk and have some test prop and npp lying around, might add some var. How would you run these two together? Prop higher than NPP or vice versa? I know the way to go with tren is low test high tren but unsure about NPP. Also a 19nor but the sides are nothing like tren sides.

So the question really is, which one will put on more (lean) mass? Go high on prop (~700) and low on npp (~350), perhaps 50/50 (~525/525) or low prop (~350) and high NPP (~700)? Cycle will be 6 to 8 weeks.
I ran my test 2x my npp/deca dose. Seems to be the rule of thumb.
I agree with this. There both Nandrolone the difference is the decaonate ester or phenylpropinate ester attached with it. So I'd go with your first choice of 700 test/ 350 npp and maybe even higher on the test.
Boys, I'm gonna run a short clean bulk and have some test prop and npp lying around, might add some var. How would you run these two together? Prop higher than NPP or vice versa? I know the way to go with tren is low test high tren but unsure about NPP. Also a 19nor but the sides are nothing like tren sides.

So the question really is, which one will put on more (lean) mass? Go high on prop (~700) and low on npp (~350), perhaps 50/50 (~525/525) or low prop (~350) and high NPP (~700)? Cycle will be 6 to 8 weeks.
Make the test higher than the NPP. You can't go wrong with building mass with that cycle.
Boys, I'm gonna run a short clean bulk and have some test prop and npp lying around, might add some var. How would you run these two together? Prop higher than NPP or vice versa? I know the way to go with tren is low test high tren but unsure about NPP. Also a 19nor but the sides are nothing like tren sides.

So the question really is, which one will put on more (lean) mass? Go high on prop (~700) and low on npp (~350), perhaps 50/50 (~525/525) or low prop (~350) and high NPP (~700)? Cycle will be 6 to 8 weeks.
Most of nandrolones dreaded side effects are due to its affinity with prolactin , prolactin is fed by E2. Higher the interaction with 5 AR enzyme the more prolactin is fuelled. In my experience, although it seems counter intuitive to general consensus on most forums. I've found lower test , higher nandrolone to be a better cycle overall , I've never experienced any prolactin issues with Deca or NPP , when low dose test is used and a D2 receptor agonist like Dostinex