Gear maniac invited me


Loving the forum so far and really looking forward to being a member of the community. I’m 44 yo and have been training in one way shape or form (footy, boxing, weights) since I was 14. I have just started cycling again after a few years off. Thanks for the free vial @gearmaniac101
Cheers bro. 6 weeks in and I’m running 3ml Test E, 1ml Tren A, 1ml Mast and .5ml Deca a week.
That's a good stack brother. How often are you pinning with the 1ml Tren A, and how are you splitting the dosage throughout the week?
Nice, that extra Tren on a Wednesday is a good addition. Just remember that both Tren and Deca are 19-nor steroids and can cause prolactin-related side effects. Best to have Caber or Prami on hand to manage any potential prolactin issues.
Ok thanks for that . Also, starting to think about coming off and at this stage am leaning toward starting on a low dose between cycles as opposed to stopping.
Hey lads new to the forum great info so far. Just looking for advice on sustonon 250 and tren e dosing with clomid and pct please?
40year old male been training 20years my first course with tren so want to do it properly for best results.
Low LH and FSH levels from last two blood tests (result of bad advice and info on courses over the years)
Any advice on how to get that back up would also be great.
Thanks in advice for any advice or info much appreciated 👌
Hey lads new to the forum great info so far. Just looking for advice on sustonon 250 and tren e dosing with clomid and pct please?
40year old male been training 20years my first course with tren so want to do it properly for best results.
Low LH and FSH levels from last two blood tests (result of bad advice and info on courses over the years)
Any advice on how to get that back up would also be great.
Thanks in advice for any advice or info much appreciated 👌
Persistence is the key my friend
Hey lads new to the forum great info so far. Just looking for advice on sustonon 250 and tren e dosing with clomid and pct please?
40year old male been training 20years my first course with tren so want to do it properly for best results.
Low LH and FSH levels from last two blood tests (result of bad advice and info on courses over the years)
Any advice on how to get that back up would also be great.
Thanks in advice for any advice or info much appreciated 👌
For your first run with Tren you’ll want to keep it simple. Run Sus 250 at 500mg a week and Tren at 300mg split into two pin. Do 12 weeks to see how your body handles it.

As for an AI like Arimidex, you’ll need it for the Sus since it can cause estrogen to spike. Go with 0.25mg eod but keep an eye on it. Tren doesn’t convert to estrogen, so you don’t want to tank your estrogen too much or you’ll feel crap with sore joints or a dead libido.

Start HCG at 500 IU twice a week for the last 4 weeks of your cycle. Then start Clomid/Nolva 2 weeks after your last pin. Clomid at 50mg/day for 2 weeks, then 25mg/day for another 2. Stack that with Nolva at 40mg/day for 2 weeks, then 20mg/day for another 2 weeks. This’ll help your natural test come back and get those LH and FSH levels back up.