First cycle. Bulk pack, gearmaniac


65 kgs 5'11, 25 years old been working out since 18 looking for advice on first cycle saw the bulk pack on gearmanic is this good for a first cycle? And if so what would be best as I'm trying to bulk up and increase muscle mass and how would I go about the cycle.

3x Test E or 3x Sus 250
2x Boldenone or 2 x Deca

2x Anaps or Dbol or Tbol(your choice)

1x Adex
1 x Nolvadex
1x Clomid
Judging by your stats you sound lean...?

In terms of bulking, honestly you will need to really dial up your diet with a lot of good clean food to get the calories in.... so ideally you want a clean bulk. The training, you will need to focus on a strength training program that includes compound lifts like squats, deadlifts, bench presses, and rows. Train consistently with progressive overload.

With your first cycle, it's best you ease yourself... its going to take time to grow, constant training, good food and many more cycles.

This is what I would recommend:

Test E: 400-500 mg per week for 12 weeks.
Dbol: 30 mg per day for the first 6 weeks.
Ai: Arimidex 0.5 mg eod
Liver Support: Milk Thistle everyday

PCT, start it 2 weeks after your last injection. For the first two weeks take Clomid at 50 mg twice a day, then drop it to 50 mg a day for the next two weeks. At the same time take Nolvadex at 40 mg a day for the first two weeks, then reduce it to 20 mg a day for the last two weeks. This will help you bounce back and keep your gains.

I would also get bloods done before and after. Always good to monitor your levels.
65 kgs 5'11, 25 years old been working out since 18 looking for advice on first cycle saw the bulk pack on gearmanic is this good for a first cycle? And if so what would be best as I'm trying to bulk up and increase muscle mass and how would I go about the cycle.

3x Test E or 3x Sus 250
2x Boldenone or 2 x Deca

2x Anaps or Dbol or Tbol(your choice)

1x Adex
1 x Nolvadex
1x Clomid
Just do a 12 week test only cycle. It's your first time with steroids and you want to see how your body reacts...the cycle that @sillychilli is a good cycle but just minus the dbol for this one. Don't get me wrong, you will see more results with the Dbol stack but you also want to see what test alone can achieve.