Finishing a cycle early (Heart Issues)


Hey guys. Super informative forum and everyone on here seems so helpful compared to the stuff I read on reddit.

I have scoured the internet for advice but cannot seem to find anything to answer my question.

I’m two weeks into my second testosterone cycle and having issues with my heart. I did one cycle back in my younger years (over ten years ago) but life has changed a lot in between then, going through divorce and beating a heavy drug addiction that impacted my life for years.

My blood pressure and heart rate is through the roof and I am not enjoying the cycle at all. I’m only on 300 a week with an ai and struggling to sleep and have a very raised heart rate throughout the day. I do a lot of cardio, lift every second day and consider myself quite fit for my age but I feel like the years on the meth may have damaged my heart and it feels somewhat reckless to continue.

What would my steps be to PCT if i do decide to terminate mid cycle? I can easily grab clomid or nolvadex off a mate at the gym but nobody has really been able to tell me the process of PCT if having to quit early. Bit of a shame but I’d rather stay natural and be healthy than risk it. I think I’ve been lucky to overcome what I have and I don’t want to push it too far.
Respect for getting through everything you’ve been through brother. Making it out clean and staying fit is something to be proud of. With the way your blood pressure and heart rate are spiking... especially considering your past it’s definitely smart to think about pulling the plug on the cycle. Your health comes first bro. Best to stop the cycle and add HCG into the mix before starting Nolva. HCG helps keep your natural test production from crashing too hard when you stop. Start using HCG right after your last test shot, run it at 500 IU eod for about 2 weeks to help kickstart your natural test production. About 3-4 days after your last HCG shot start the Nolva at 40mg per day for the first two weeks, then drop it to 20mg per day for another two weeks. This combo should help you recover more smoothly and avoid a big hormonal crash. Keep an eye on your blood pressure and heart rate throughout this process and if anything feels off get it checked out by a doctor.
I agree with @hubbles - health is number one. If your heart and blood pressure are spiking, you’ve got to listen to your body. Stopping the cycle now is a smart move. Here's another approach you could take: You can start with HCG right after your last injection, but consider running it a little longer - 500 IU every other day for 3 weeks. This gives your body a bit more time to adjust and kickstart your natural testosterone. After the HCG, wait about 5 days before starting Nolva. Some guys also like to add in a low dose of Clomid alongside Nolva for extra insurance, like 25mg of Clomid a day for the first 2 weeks, but that’s up to you.
Looks like the boys have already given solid advice, but I’ll throw in my two cents. HCG is definitely a good call, but you might want to overlap it slightly with your test taper. Instead of stopping cold consider reducing your test dose by half for one week while starting HCG at 500 IU every other day. This can ease the transition and reduce the shock to your system. After a week of the lower test dose, stop the test completely but continue the HCG for another week. Then move on to the Nolva/Clomid.
Older men convert testosterone into estrogen more than younger men, so an ai might help. Also high sodium from drinks as well as food can raise blood pressure, so cutting back on sodium intake and eating more potassium, which is high in peanut butter may help with that. Also veggies help reduce high cholesterol.