

Hi to everyone!

I wanted to pick your brains on short and long esters. A while back I was running a blend of Test Ace, Tren Ace, and Masteron P, pinning eod at a total of 300 mg per week. I was getting dry, leaning out, and seeing veins in new places. There was some bite to it, likely from the prop.

When the blend ran out, I switched to the long esters of the same compounds, hoping for less bite. Now, I'm running the exact dosage but seem to be holding more water. Any thoughts on why this is happening? I'm considering going back to the shorter esters. Same compounds, same diet, just an ester change. Any input or thoughts would be appreciated. Thanks in advance.

Cheers in advance for any advice.
How did you transition from the prop to the long esters? Did you overlap the short esters into the long ones, or did you just switch directly? Also, are you running any AI to manage estrogen levels?
I just stopped the short esters and started pinning the long esters straight away. I wasn't running an AI at the time.
I just stopped the short esters and started pinning the long esters straight away. I wasn't running an AI at the time.
I could be wrong here but from what I know when switching to long esters it can take about 1-2 weeks for the change in half-lives to stabilise. You might need to consider overlapping the short esters with the long ones for a smooth transition. Agree with @creamyk - add an AI
I could be wrong here but from what I know when switching to long esters it can take about 1-2 weeks for the change in half-lives to stabilise. You might need to consider overlapping the short esters with the long ones for a smooth transition. Agree with @creamyk - add an AI
When I go from short to long I make a smooth transition by staying on the shorts for 2 weeks while pinning the long esters as well. So my body never goes without the compounds or waiting for them to kick in.
Short ester compounds have more active hormone compared to long esters, which have more ester weight per mg. Estrogen could also be a factor here, affecting water retention.
Means you're getting more testosterone per injection with short esters.