Body Type Question


This might be a dumb question, but I never really thought about it. Do body types actually matter for how you should eat? Or is it just some made-up thing? and if it is real, how do you even know what body type you are?

Thank you !!!!
This might be a dumb question, but I never really thought about it. Do body types actually matter for how you should eat? Or is it just some made-up thing? and if it is real, how do you even know what body type you are?

Thank you !!!!
Not a dumb question at all!

Maybe the boys can give you more insight but from my understanding body types like ectomorph, mesomorph and endomorph are real and can help guide you with what to eat etc. Ectos are usually lean and might need more calories to bulk up. Mesos are naturally muscular and can generally balance their intake well. Endos gain weight easier so they may need to watch their carb intake. To figure out your type, just look at how your body naturally responds to food and training. It’s not strict science but knowing your type I think can help.
Not a dumb question at all!

Maybe the boys can give you more insight but from my understanding body types like ectomorph, mesomorph and endomorph are real and can help guide you with what to eat etc. Ectos are usually lean and might need more calories to bulk up. Mesos are naturally muscular and can generally balance their intake well. Endos gain weight easier so they may need to watch their carb intake. To figure out your type, just look at how your body naturally responds to food and training. It’s not strict science but knowing your type I think can help.
summed up nicely @BigAPE body types do matter, but it’s not some strict rule just a guideline. I’m an ectomorph naturally skinny as hell and burn through food like a furnace. If I don’t eat a ton I just won’t grow.
Wish my last PT would listen to me about this. He was always trying to get me to eat bulk carbs, but my body doesn't respond well to that.
I'm Endomorph, so was just struggling with his macro's. Now he's gone and I'm on my own and killing it