
  1. TrendyGender

    Coming back to working out, but brand new to juice.

    Eyyy guys, young guy here, not a teen. I got kiiinda jacked almost 10 years ago doing roof carpentry and gymming every day for a couple years, 82kg, maybe 13% bodyfat, could bench my own weight, almost shoulderpress it for 10 reps. Ivee got fat, then got skinny in that time and lost basically...
  2. J

    first cycle questions

    hi everyone, just got a couple of questions, looking at running a first time test (cyp) only cycle at 500mg a week got some 23' syringes to back load some 29' syringes is running 3 injections weekly at 0.83ml per injection the right dosage? or should i split into more frequent doses? oh also...
  3. S

    Approved Log My Anavar/Decca/Test Log Cycle

    Hello, I am just starting a cycle Ive done about 4 now. With test and Decca at 500mg test 400mg Decca. I purchased 100 units of 10mg Anavar tablets. I purchased these knowing it helps loose more body fat while still building muscle and not as intense as clen. Ive bounced around on this forum...