Please read these rules and abide by them to maintain a safe and enjoyable community.

Forum Rules

To ensure the safety and security of everyone, it is important to read and follow these simple rules. Any violation of these rules will result in a ban, as it poses a threat to the safety of all members on this forum. There will be no exceptions or tolerance for bad behavior.

  • 1. Never reveal personal identity, order numbers, or TXID/Wallet addresses publicly.
  • 2. Avoid discussing payments, lists, or payment methods on this platform.
  • 3. For security reasons, refrain from sharing any information related to location, packaging, or tracking numbers on this forum.
  • 4. Refrain from discussing delivery times. Instead, contact the verified member directly or moderators for assistance.
  • 5. Do not discuss mail or mail couriers.
  • 6. Do not share any personal details such as your name, phone number, and address with anyone. It is important to keep this information private and secure.
  • 7. Refrain from discussing domestic issues or off-topic posts.
  • 8. The sale, promotion or distribution of illegal drugs or prescription medication is strictly forbidden on this platform. Any conversations or attempts to sell such substances will not be tolerated.
  • 9. Avoid any form of insulting or provoking language towards other users; let's be respectful towards each other.
  • 10. Never respond to suspicious or weird private messages; report them to the moderators to protect yourself and others.
  • 11. Do not discuss brands or sources unrelated to the Verified Members/Sponsors section. We do not tolerate any member being harassed by anyone trying to promote or sell their own anabolic source. If you violate this rule, you will face a ban.
  • 12. Make sure to provide truthful feedback regarding the product's appearance, quality, and performance.
  • 13. Contact a verified member/moderator first to resolve disputes, allowing 3 business days before posting publicly.
  • 14. Do not bad-mouth or insult any sponsor. Contact a moderator immediately to resolve the issue and arrange a refund if necessary.
  • 15. Post photographs with your metadata removed for your own privacy. You can do this by visiting
  • 16. To ensure your online privacy and security, it's recommended to use a VPN or TOR browser when accessing websites.

Community Guidelines for Dealing with Sponsor Issues

  • 1. Talk to Sponsors First: If you have a problem with a sponsor, talk to them first.
  • 2. Ask for Help: If the sponsor doesn't fix the problem, ask a moderator for help.
  • 3. Don't Complain Publicly: Don't complain about sponsors on the forum.
  • 4. Stay Safe: We look out for you to make sure you don't get scammed.
  • 5. Get What You Paid For: Sponsors have to give you a refund or new product if it's bad.
  • 6. Be Careful What You Say: False accusations are serious and can get you banned.
  • 7. Show Proof with Verified Lab Tests: If you say a sponsor is bad, you need proof from a verified lab test, not a home-kit PED test.
  • 8. Deleted Threads: If you complain publicly, we'll delete the thread.
  • 9. Follow the Rules: If you keep breaking the rules, you might get banned.
  • 10. Ask Questions: If you're not sure, ask a moderator.

AGW Bodybuilding Forum Values and Standards

  • 1. Respect and Support:
    • Treat all members with respect and dignity.
    • Constructive criticism is welcomed, but personal attacks, insults, and derogatory remarks are strictly prohibited.
    • Support fellow members by offering helpful advice and encouragement.
  • 2. Education and Safety:
    • Prioritise safety in all discussions, particularly around the use of performance-enhancing drugs (PEDs), training regimens, and diets.
    • Share information and practices that are based on sound research and personal experiences.
    • Encourage responsible and informed decision-making.
  • 3. Integrity and Honesty:
    • Be honest about your experiences, results, and challenges.
    • Avoid spreading misinformation or exaggerated claims.
    • Respect the truth and strive for accuracy in all postings.
  • 4. Inclusivity:
    • Foster an inclusive environment where all members, regardless of their background, level of experience, or fitness goals, feel welcome and valued.
    • Be mindful of language that may exclude or alienate others.
  • 5. Privacy:
    • Respect the privacy of all forum members.
    • Do not share personal information or private messages without consent.
  • 6. Contribution:
    • Share valuable content that enriches the community.
    • Participate actively and positively in discussions.
    • Avoid spamming, self-promotion, or off-topic posts.

AGW Bodybuilding Forum Log Standards

  • 1. Detailed Information:
    • Include comprehensive details about your training routine, diet plan, and progress.
    • A log should provide valuable insights into your journey, making it informative for other members.
  • 2. Regular Updates:
    • Keep your log updated regularly, detailing any changes or progress.
    • Consistent updates maintain the relevance and usefulness of your log.
  • 3. Transparency:
    • Be transparent about the supplements, PEDs, and other substances you are using.
    • Share dosage information, cycle lengths, and any other relevant details.
  • 4. Health and Safety:
    • Prioritise discussions around health and safety.
    • Include any health markers, blood work results, or medical feedback that could be useful for others to learn from.
  • 5. Multimedia Integration:
    • Where possible, include photos, videos, and charts to visually document your progress.
    • Blurring faces or anonymising content as required to maintain privacy.
  • 6. Clear Structure:
    • Organise your log with clear headings, sections, and a logical flow. Common sections include:
      • Introduction and Goals
      • Training Plan
      • Nutrition Plan
      • Supplement / PED Regimen
      • Progress Updates
      • Reflection and Adjustments
  • 7. Engagement:
    • Engage with feedback and questions from other members.
    • Use your log as a platform for interactive discussion and mutual learning.
  • 8. Compliance:
    • Ensure your log complies with all forum rules and standards.
    • Logs promoting unsafe or unethical practices may be subject to review and removal.